Here Are 4 Key Social Media Marketing Trends For 2019

Published on January 14, 2019

Because algorithms and social media platforms are constantly changing and updating, it’s important to calibrate your social media strategy to meet those changes. The beginning of the year is a good time to check in on social media marketing trends and revisit your previous and current strategy. What worked last year? How can you use this data to help reach your conversion goals in 2019?

Below we’ve listed four social media marketing trends to keep in mind as you strategize for 2019.


Remember Kendall Jenner’s Proactiv ad that turned out to be a complete failure? Most people aren’t stupid, and influencer marketing campaigns that utilize celebrity influence often end up coming across as fake if it’s a product that celebrities aren’t likely to use. Kendall has access to the best dermatology services in the world, why would she resort to the products that us peasants have to use if she doesn’t have to?

Companies are starting to realize that the biggest problem with influencer marketing is that the influencer often fails to convince his or her audience that they actually use the product they’re endorsing. For this reason, brands are turning to micro-influencers to establish a rapport among their target demographic. Micro-influencers refers to social media users who have a following of 30k or less. These influencers are generally more invested in niche demographics and can, therefore, effectively communicate to a wide range of specific audiences. Companies are taking advantage of these influencers to increase “word of mouth” style advertising.

Augmented Reality (AR)

Although it’s nothing new, we’re going to see a lot more augmented reality campaigns pop up in the coming years as the technology gets more advanced. AR is being used more and more in marketing because it allows the consumer to visualize a product in his or her everyday life more easily. Companies like Sephora and IKEA have already implemented AR campaigns into their social media strategy to help consumers test out products before they buy.


Nearly every platform offers stories now. Why? Because it’s a fast, casual way for people to communicate effectively and keep up with their friends and family. It’s also a good way for brands to constantly deliver fast, casual content that keeps them fresh in the minds of the consumer. Stories fulfill a human desire for more, substantial information that provides a personal touch.

The arrival of Snapchat Stories and how celebrities used them to curate their brands was one of the first ways we saw stories being used as a marketing tool. Kylie Jenner, for example, launched her now billion dollar company on her Snapchat Story back in 2015. Musicians like Dillon Francis even used the platform as a way to execute creative skits that gave him a memorable advantage over his competitors. His music may not have stood out, but his brand was the star of EDM in 2016.

Social Listening

Brands and businesses that are known for their customer service stand out in an age when technology brings people together with the touch of a button. Many businesses are turning to social listening as a means of effective customer service today. Keyword searching for a brand or product on social media allows companies to respond to their customers even if they didn’t tag the brand in their post.

This is also how companies are able to understand how millennial and gen z demographics are responding to their product or service.


Julia Sachs is a former Managing Editor at Grit Daily. She covers technology, social media and disinformation. She is based in Utah and before the pandemic she liked to travel.

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